European search for Inner Beasts
Twenty pieces of the sculpture My Inner Beast are searched for all over Europe. They are each more than two meters in height and weigh one tonne.
The great search has just started in eleven European countries - from Stockholm in North to Milan in South. A letter has been sent out to the town governments that nearly ten years ago received the sculpture as a gift. The Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot set up My Inner Beast in connection with a European happening against intolerance and anti-humanism in 1993.
The background for the search is the fact that a copy of this sculpture recently has been sold to municipality of Frederikssund in Denmark for the price of 34,000 EUR. As there are many precedent cases seen in history of art, this sale has changed the sculpture from being a mere happening sculpture into being a rather valuable piece of art. In connection with the sale the artist will "take stock" about what happened to the sculpture in these various European cities, it was set up in. At the same time a film production company will make a TV documentary about the very different fates of the sculptures. In Bonn it was incorporated in Art Collection of the German State by request of the mayor. In Munich the mayor sold his sculpture to a woman collecting pigs. She is delighted as My Inner Beast is the largest pig in her collection.
In many cities the sculpture has disappeared and it is very exciting to see what the search will bring. Various prominent persons are involved in the case. For example, the French president, Jacques Chirac, was mayor of Paris in 1993 and is therefore responsible for the sculpture.
In Milan the sculpture caused great furore. Shortly after being erected, it was driven to a safe place in order to be examined for bombs. As written in the press, it had been placed near the residence of a judge. A philosopher, an art-critic and a political commentator expressed their views on the phenomenon in the newspapers. One believed that it was a German who had plotted this event. The precision at which the erection of the figure was carried out, the long dark coat, the very obvious pedagogic message of the sculpture and then the presence of a blond girl in the vicinity of the sculpture, led several witnesses to declare it a "typical German sort of action." To the Italians, such precision, black coats and blond girls seem to equate possible terrorist bombs!
This problematic aspect of the "Beast" in Italy had a poignant relevance due to the fact that the quasi-fascistic right-wing had just won the general elections and for the first time since World-War II, a number of neo-fascists entered the parliament. Perhaps the reason why the mayor's office would not comment on the event and placed the sculpture in a store.
Further information is available from:
My Inner Beast Intelligence Service (MIB) Banevaenget 22 - DK-5270 Odense N Tel: (+45) 6618 4058 - Fax: (+45) 6618 4158 E-mail: - Internet:
Or by the sculptor: |
INFORMATION, PHOTOS and VIDEO FILMS are available for free downloading from the internet:
The film production company can be contacted:
Mr Gabrielle Albertini |
INIZIO della Happening: 8 novembre 1993 ore 5.25, Piazza Groen, Anversa Belgio.
FINE della Happening: 11 novembre 1993 ore 10, Brandenburger Tor, Berlino Germania.
La Scultura: La mia Bestia interiore - una scultura di calcestruzzo mischiato di ossido di ferro.
Peso: 1000 chilogrammi.
Altezza: Metri 2,30.
Denti: Bronzo.
Lapide: Ottone.
Base: Calcestruzzo dimensioni 70 per 80 cm.
La scultura è stata piazzata in 20 città EUROPEE.
SPECIE: Animale dai più bassi istinti.
HABITAT: In te ed in me. Cioè in ciascun individuo della specie Homo Sapiens.
CONDIZIONI NECESSARIE PER LO SVILUPPO: Si sviluppa quando l'uomo é soggetto a violenza, intimidazione e mancanza di rispetto.
COMPORTAMENTO: Attacca i valori etici dell'uomo, permettendo al razzismo, alle xenofobia e all' intolleranza di dominare.
FREQUENZA: Poi dominare il comportamento di singole persone, di gruppi sociali e, in casi estremi, di intere popolazioni.
Comunicato alla stampa:
Nel corso di quattro giorni istalleremo venti esemplari della stessa scultura di calcestruzzo in venti città europee. La scultura s'intitola "La mia bestia interiore". Altezza: Metri 2,30. Colore: Marrone nero.
Ogni scultura verrà istallata in luoghi scelti per il loro valore simbolico per la democrazia l'uguaglianza e la libertà.
Lo scopo di questa istallazione è quello di focalizzare sull'intolleranza in Europa che si manifesta nella crescente xenofobia e la persecuzione delle minoranze. Desiderammo affermare che abbiamo tutti una responsabilità personale nel combattere la nostra bestia interiore.
TRASPORTO: Le sculture sono state trasportate ai luoghi d'istallazione con tre camion accompagnate da altre 6 auto (equipaggio documentazione).
Lunedì 08.11 Ore 5.25, Piazza Groen, Anversa Ore 5.40, Piazza Eidsvoll, Oslo Ore 6.15, Piazza Dam, Amsterdam Ore 7.50, Piazza Grand, Bruxelles Ore 16.08, Kunstmuseum, Bonn Ore 16.28, Piazza della Bastiglia, Parigi Ore 19.45, Drotningsgatan, Stoccolma
Martedì 09.11. |
Ore 21.45, Teatro Team, Herning
Ore 22.42, Piazza Argentina, Milano
Mercoledì 10.11.
Giovedí 11.11. |
Level Up |
MIB-IS in Milan |