- The rights of children are the responsibility af the adults.
- Additional 850.000 children will die from AIDS, before the year 2010.
- Diarrea-diseases kill 3.000.000 children every year in spite of cheap treatments.
- Every year 1.000.000 children die from measles.
- Every year 3.000.000 children die from dehydration.
- Every year 3.000.000 children die from pneumonia.
- Every year 140.000 children become crippled due to polio.
- Every year 600.000 new born children die from tetanus.
- In Mali, every sixth woman dies during pregnancy, or associated with birthgiving.
- In Bangladesh, 50% af the newborn babies weigh under 2500g.
- The UN-convention gives every child the rights to survival, health and education.
- In Asia there are one million prostituted children.
- One of the greatest problems in the Third world countries is, that they are not able to sell their merchandise to the industrialized countries.
- People that flees from unreasonable conditions of life, are in the industrialized countries called "refugees of convenience".
- Usually the white people are rich, in both the rich and the poor parts of the world, while the poor are usually coloured.
- 13.000.000 children is twice as many people as the nazis killed in concentration camps. The germans claim they did not know about it. Today we see the tragedies on TV.
- In the industrialized countries, the military expenses correspond to the total income of 2 billion poor people.
- The total sum used by the military worldwide (18 Billion dollars), corresponds to the income of half the world population.
- 1 billion adults are illiterate.
- Approximately 200 million childrem work for the survival of themselves and their families.
- The richest fifth of the world owns 60 times as much as the poorest fifth.
- 20% of the world's population owns less than 2% of the world.
- 25% of the world's population do not have access to clean drinking water.
- 25% of the world's population own 83% of the world's income.
- 25% of the world's population (the industrialized countries), uses 75% of the world's metals.
- 25% of the world's population (the industrialized countries), uses 85% of the world's trees.
- 25% of the world's population (the industrialized countries),uses 60% of the world's food supplies.
- Each day 35.000 children die because of unreasonable conditions of life.
- In 1995 there are 18.9 million refugees in the world. In 1970 there were only 2.5 million.
- The most supreme income of the western world,the production of weapons, represents an amount of 900 billion dollars.
- The five permanent members of the UN's security council stands for 86% of all weapon exports.
- In Denmark, the energy consumption per person is 20 barrels of oil. In Mauretania the consumption is less than half a barrel.
- In Mozambique the average salary per month is 8 dollars (47 Dkr.)
- In Rio de Janeiro there are 1 million children living in the streets.
- October 1993 Denmark received 547 refugees. In one week, the same month, Tanzania recieved 214.000 refugees.
- 50% of the worlds poorest population lives in South-Asia.
- Less than 10% of the world's population participate in political, economical, social or cultural institutions that create their own lives.
- The world lacks 100 million women because of the selection of gender at the decision of abortion.
- In Brazil 4 children are murdered every day.
- 500.000 children are involved with the sex-tourism in Thailand, Sri-lanka and the Phillipins.
- The total weight of theese certificates is over 5 tons, and they have been printed on 10 pallets of paper.
- The thesis of charity is part of all religions of mankind.
- The cultures of the western world are based upon the basic principals of humanism: "Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood".
- In Europe the peasants are payed for NOT cultivating the soil, because of reserves of victuals.
- In 1995 there is produced less victuals per african, than in 1975.
- Many of the Third World countries' depth to the rich world is often congruent with the country's GNP per year. Interest and repayment absorbes all income.
- In countries without social securitynetwork, it is necessary to have a lot of children, to secure the survival of your family and yourself.
- Sometimes in the future it will be incomprehensible that the rich world, with so great knowledge about the enviroment, could continue to pollute the planet.
- Sometime in the future it will be unintelligible that the rich world, with developed communication-, transport- and organization-systems, could call itself humanitarian in a world marked by such a great social poverty.
- Is it ethical defensible and an impression of love to life, to ask the poor not to use contraception, when they do not have the opportunity to support their children.
- The 13 million children that die evrey year, would weigh over 26.000 tons.
- There are 60 different certificates of this type, each showing different drawings. Every certificate is printed in 216.000 pieces.
- 20% of the earth's population is responsible for 80% of the enviromental pollution.
- It would cause global enviromental collapse, if the Third World succeeded in the maintenance of the same social structure, as the rich countries have.
- Is it fair, from an ecological point of view, to deny the Third World economical and social development?
- A global economical ecological and social balance can not be established, without economical an consumerate sacrifices
- In all cultures and religions, the human life is associated with words as "sacred" and "inviolability".
- In this art-happening, the 13 mill. certificates symbolises the sum of children dying in 1995. The 750 childrenimages that are chained around Copenhagen, symbolises each child individually.
- The greatest impediment to carry out the UN-summit's visions in life, is the lack of economical ressources.
- This art-happening have had many problems raising sponsorships from concerns, because the concerns are only interested in sponsoring "positive" messages.
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1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen |