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[1993: My Inner Beast]
1993: My Inner Beast - Press clippings (PDF Format, 32 MB)
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Facts about the Happening
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Inscription on the Plinth
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast - A Happening in Europe
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast - List of progress in the 20 cities
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast, 1993
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast, 2002
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Overview of the Happening (PDF Format, 12-14 MB)
[1993: My Inner Beast]
The Art Happening: MY INNER BEAST, the concept
[2002: MIB - Intelligence Service]
MIB - Intelligence Service
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Letter to the Burgeemester of Antwerpen
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Aan der Burgeemester, de Autoriteiten en de politie van Antwerpen
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Fax from Jens Galschiot to Kunsthistorische Musea Antwerben
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Letter from Kunsthistorische Musea Antwerben
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Letter to the Burgeemester in Antwerpen
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
My Inner Beast in Antwerp
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
New letter to the Burgeemester of Antwerpen
[MIB-IS in Antwerp]
Reply from Kunsthistorische Musea
No Spot Specified
[1993: My Inner Beast]
1993: My Inner Beast - Press clippings (PDF Format, 32 MB)
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Facts about the Happening
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Inscription on the Plinth
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast - A Happening in Europe
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast - List of progress in the 20 cities
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast, 1993
[1993: My Inner Beast]
My Inner Beast, 2002
[1993: My Inner Beast]
Overview of the Happening (PDF Format, 12-14 MB)
[1993: My Inner Beast]
The Art Happening: MY INNER BEAST, the concept
[2002: MIB - Intelligence Service]
MIB - Intelligence Service
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
A monsieur le Maire, les Autorites et la Police de Bruxelles.
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
E-mail to Olivier Maingain, Président du FDF
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
Letter (2) to the Mayor of Bruxelles
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
Letter to the Mayor of Bruxelles
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
My Inner Beast in Brussels
[MIB-IS in Brussels]
Reply from Olivier Maingain, Président du FDF
EU Parliament
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.13: É possível acabar com a situação de sem-abrigo! (Fundação AMI)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.14: Galschiøt laver bronzeskulpturer af hjemløse (Ritzau)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.14: Hjemløse indtager Europaparlamentet (Daniel Bennetsen, Politiken)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.16: A kampány után is lesz élet
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.16: SP/NL: Jens Galschiot uit Odense stelde zijn levensgrote beelden van daklozen tentoon
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010.04.30: Homeless in the European Parliament (YouTube)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
Campagna Ending Homelessness (PRATICHESOCIALI )
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
Jens Galschiot, Bronze sculptures in EU Parliament (photos by Erik Luntang)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
The exhibition ´Ending Homelessness´ in the EU Parliament
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
Video: Homeless invade the European Parliament (by Erik Luntang)
[2010: Exhibition at the European Parliament]
Wonderful Copenhagen: STOP HJEMLØSHED!
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
2009-11: Ending Homelessness
[Videos about Welcome Homeless]
2010.04.25: Hjemløse i Bronze (Odense ser Rødt, fuldt format)
[Videos about Welcome Homeless]
2010.04.25: Hjemløse i Bronze (Odense ser Rødt, reduceret format)
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
Juni 1010: Hjemløse på utstilling - af Heidi K. J. Goodreid i Krigsropet (html format)
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014-04-03: Homeless man moves into EU Parliament (PDF Format)
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.03.27: EUP President, Martin Schulz thanks for the donation (PDF format)
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.05: Galschiøt-skulptur får fast plads i EU-Parlamentet (
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.08: Hjemløs flytter ind i Europa-Parlamentet (Kristeligt Dagblad)
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.08: Homeless man moves into European Parliament (EU Reporter)
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.08: Inauguration of the sculpture
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.09: Hjemløs flytter permanent ind i Europa-Parlamentet (EUP - Informationskontoret )
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
2014.04.09: Hjemløs flytter permanent ind i Europaparlamentet (
[2014: Homeless man in EU Parliament]
Handing over of a sculpture of Danish artist Jens GALSCHIOT by Danish Parliament (EUP Audiovisual)
[2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles på Silkeborg Bad]
2015.02.20: Bendtsen vil have Fundamentalisme til Bruxelles (tv2fyn)
2015.09.12: Europaparlament: Kein Platz für ´religiös aufgeladene´ Kunst (
Kouter sq.
[2005: The Golden Calf]
"De neergang van het gouden kalf." - The Golden Calf is taken down
[2005: The Golden Calf]
1. Construction of the basic shape
[2005: The Golden Calf]
2. Wax modelling
[2005: The Golden Calf]
3. Modelling and casting the final sculpture
[2005: The Golden Calf]
4. Gold coating
[2005: The Golden Calf]
5. Mounting of the sculpture before departure
[2005: The Golden Calf]
6. Preparations and the procession in Ghent
[2005: The Golden Calf]
7. Setting up the sculpture in front of the banks
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Aanvraag december 2005: Het Gouden Kalf. Een jaar langer in Gent?
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Beeldhouwer met een boodschap (De Standaard, 2005.11.24)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Flyer, front page
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Flyer, rear page
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Galschiøts guldkalv i Belgien (TV 2)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Galschiøts guldkalv skaber opsigt (Ritzau 2005.11.23 - trykt i flere dagblade)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gentse bankkantoren krijgen 'gouden kalf' (Het Laatste Nieuws, 2005.11.23)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gold Fever Raging in Belgium (PDF Format)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gold Fever Raging in Belgium (Word Format)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gouden kalf kijkt uit over Gentse Kouter (Het Nieuwsblad, 2005.11.24)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gouden kalf op Kouter (AVS tv clip - search for 2005.11.23)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gouden Kalf siert Gentse Kouter
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Gouden kalf trekt door Gent (vrtnieuws, tv clip)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Guldkalv ska påminna om etik (Svenska Dagbladet)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Guldkalv som protest (DR Fyn)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Interview met Inez Louwagie, woordvoerder Netwerk Vlaanderen
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Mon argent. Sans scrupules?
[2005: The Golden Calf]
My money. Clear conscience?
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Netwerk Vlaanderen: Belgian bank groups invest in companies that abuse human rights
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Netwerk Vlaanderen: Goudkoorts - Artistiek beleg van de banken
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Photos - Goudkoorts (Links Ecologisch Forum)
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Photos of the event - 1
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Photos of the event - 2
[2005: The Golden Calf]
The Golden Calf
[2005: The Golden Calf]
The Golden Calf - a short description
[2005: The Golden Calf]
The plate of the sculpture
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Verslag van Goudkoorts - door Mathias Bienstman
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Video about the Gold Fever event
[2005: The Golden Calf]
Where are the borders? - A summary of the new report from Netwerk Vlaanderen