- 17:48 (2 hits)
- 92 gruppen, Den samlede miljøbevægelse i DK (4 hits)
- Albert Ho (26 hits)
- Amnesty International (22 hits)
- Arne Gregersen, maler (7 hits)
- Artville (1 hits)
- Asem4people KBH 2002 (1 hits)
- ATTAC Copenhagen (5 hits)
- Beklædningsfagskolen i Odense / Dress Vocational School (1 hits)
- Beklædningsindustrien (2 hits)
- Bjørn Haugaard, scenografi (2 hits)
- Bruthalia Teatret (9 hits)
- BUPL (9 hits)
- BUPL Fyn (5 hits)
- Center for Frivilligt Socialt Arbejde (4 hits)
- Center for Kultursamarbejde med udviklingslandene (DCCD) (8 hits)
- Churches of Prague (4 hits)
- CLETA (Centro Libre de Experimentación Teatral y ArtÃstica) (22 hits)
- CNI (Consejo Nacional IndÃgena) (22 hits)
- Dansk Epilepsiforening (5 hits)
- Dansk Flygtningehjælp (7 hits)
- Den Rytmiske Aftenskole (2 hits)
- Det rullende Galleri, Kolding (2 hits)
- Doris Palvio, Tinku (2 hits)
- Edmilson Brito Rodrigues, Mayor of Belém, 2000 (25 hits)
- Educational institutions (25 hits)
- Enrique Cisneros, CLETA (22 hits)
- Erik Meistrup (2 hits)
- Erik Mortensen (7 hits)
- Eunice Pinheiro Alves (25 hits)
- FAO NGO Forum, Rome, 1996 (6 hits)
- Félix Cárdenas, Bolivia (2 hits)
- FOA (4 hits)
- Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (Dan-Church-Aid) (15 hits)
- Frelsesarmeen, Norge (2 hits)
- Fuglebjerg Skole (2 hits)
- Fyns Sociale Forum (1 hits)
- Gadesjakket (8 hits)
- Giovanni Conti, Esperanto Garden in Cormano (10 hits)
- Greenpeace (4 hits)
- Gunna Larsen (6 hits)
- Gustavo Chávez Pavón (14 hits)
- Hanne Galschiøt (5 hits)
- Hanne Nordentoft, Korup Sogns Kunstforening (16 hits)
- HCA priskomiteen (16 hits)
- HeloÃsa Helena, Leader of opposition, Senator for PT, 2000 (25 hits)
- Holger Bech Nielsen (1 hits)
- Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Democracy in China (26 hits)
- Images of Asia (8 hits)
- Images of the World (14 hits)
- Inge Strandby (2 hits)
- Inger Birkestrøm Juul (8 hits)
- INPEG - Initiative Against Economic Globalisation (4 hits)
- Internationale Art Festival i Kerteminde (6 hits)
- Jacob Holdt (2 hits)
- Jubilee 2000 (30 hits)
- Krakagården (32 hits)
- Kultur Ka´ Li´ Kulør (5 hits)
- Kulturfabrikken (10 hits)
- Kunstforeningen for Ringkøbing og Omegn (4 hits)
- Las Abejas en Acteal (22 hits)
- Levende Hav - Knud Andersen (112 hits)
- Martha Gutiérrez Flores, Peru (2 hits)
- Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Danish Association for International Co-operation) (30 hits)
- Micro Matic (4 hits)
- Moeller and Co. (2 hits)
- Monitor (4 hits)
- MST - Movimento Sem Terra (25 hits)
- Natkirken i Odense (1 hits)
- Netwerk Vlaanderen, Mathias Bienstman (37 hits)
- NGO forum in Aalborg (2 hits)
- Niels Hansen, jurist (1 hits)
- Ocean Fung (26 hits)
- Odense Aftenskole (4 hits)
- Odense Kommune (11 hits)
- Odense ser Rødt (10 hits)
- Ofelia Medina (12 hits)
- OMEP - Organisation Mondiale Pour l'Education Prescolaire (5 hits)
- Other artists (39 hits)
- Pernille Koch (5 hits)
- Perronen - værested i Nykøbing F (7 hits)
- Peter Bensted (8 hits)
- Pia Gredal (2 hits)
- Projektrådgivningen (1 hits)
- PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores (25 hits)
- Pædagogisk Medhjælper Forbund (4 hits)
- Ra Kajol (8 hits)
- Rampelyset (26 hits)
- Rehabiliterings- og forskningscentret for Torturofre (RCT) (6 hits)
- Rey Gaspar Morales Vásquez, Mexico (8 hits)
- Roskilde Festival (12 hits)
- Salvador Palomino, Peru (2 hits)
- Senate of Brazil (25 hits)
- Sherin Khankan, formand for Forum for Kritiske Muslimer (4 hits)
- Signe Galschiøt (5 hits)
- Social Forum (10 hits)
- Social Forum Paris (8 hits)
- Studentermenigheden i Odense (1 hits)
- Szeto Wah (26 hits)
- Søren Højbjerg, billedhugger (7 hits)
- Søren Lilliendal Hansen (3 hits)
- Teatret Bagage (4 hits)
- The Mayor of Paris (1 hits)
- Tinku, Aalborg (28 hits)
- Tornbjerg Gymnasium (8 hits)
- Town Hall of Belém (25 hits)
- Youth Conference 13:24, 1997 (5 hits)
- Århus NGO forum (1 hits)
- Øko-net (19 hits)
- Økumenisk Ungdom (1 hits)