Theme: Ecology - sustainable development -> Showing All
- 1997: The Earth is Poisonous
- 2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg
- 2002: The Nightmare
- 2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability
- [Brochures] Balancing Act (PDF)
- [Documents] Balanceakten på ARTVILLE kunstmessen 5-7 august 2005 (PDF)
- [Documents] Nordisk kampagne for uddannelsesinstitutioner (PDF 1,4 MB)
- [Links] Balancing act on the square (
- [Links] FESTIVAL FOR EN ANDEN VERDEN, 17. september 2005 i Odense
- [Links] Invitation til lancering af BALANCEAKTEN
- [Overview] 2005-14: Balancing Act
- [Photos] 01. First photos of the small models, January 2005
- [Photos] 02. ESF Conference, Ahmedabad, India, 18-20 January 2005
- [Photos] 03. Opening Conference, Copenhagen 10-11 March 2005
- [Photos] 04. International esd10 Conference, Esbjerg, Denmark, May 2005
- [Photos] 05. Jens Galschiot creating the sculptures in his workshop, May 2005
- [Photos] 06. Artville 2005, Copenhagen
- [Photos] 07. Close-up photos of Balancing Sculptures August 2005
- [Photos] 08. Fyns Sociale Foum 2005
- [Photos] 09. Fremstilling af skulpturen Grubleren
- [Photos] 10. Skulpturen gøres klar på værkstedet
- [Photos] 11. Grubleren opstilles på Christiansborg Slotsplads
- [Photos] 12. Grubleren indvies på Slotspladsen
- [Photos] 13. Fire Balance-skulpturer opstilles i København under COP15, december 2009
- [Photos] 14. Fire Balance-skulpturer opstilles på Roskilde Festival 2010
- [Photos] 15. Balance-skulpturerne på Slotspladsen, november 2010
- [Photos] 2009.12.10: 18 meter høj Balanceskulptur rejst ved Fredericia
- [Posters] Nordic Cooperation about Education for Sustainable Development (PDF, 180 KB)
- [Press releases] 2006.03.07: Pressemeddelelse om nordisk lancering af Balanceakten (PDF-format, 38 KB)
- [Press releases] 2006.03.07: Pressemeddelelse om nordisk lancering af Balanceakten (Word-format)
- [Press releases] Balanceakten til Indien, pressemeddelelse 16. januar 2005 (PDF)
- [Press releases] Balanceakten til Indien, pressemeddelelse 16. januar 2005 (tekst)
- 2005: Diary from Hong Kong
- 2005: Global Week of Action
- 2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong
- [Documents] 2005.12.13-21: Summary
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - inside (good medium quality, 7,6 MB)
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - inside (PDF printing quality, 42,6 MB)
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - inside (web quality, 0,7 MB)
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - outside (good medium quality, 6,1 MB)
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - outside (PDF printing quality, 25.9 MB)
- [Flyers] WTO leaflet - outside (web quality, 0,5 MB)
- [Overview] Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong during WTO Conference
- [Photos] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [Photos] 2005.12.11: First Sunday demonstration
- [Photos] 2005.12.12: The sculptures put up
- [Photos] 2005.12.13-18: Sculptures in Victoria Park
- [Photos] 2005.12.13: Demonstration on the opening day of the WTO Summit
- [Photos] 2005.12.18: Final Demonstration
- [Photos] 2005.12.20: Last day in Hong Kong
- [Press releases] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (PDF Format)
- [Press releases] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (Word Format)
- [Press releases] 2005.12.10: Hong Kong authorities´ political obstruction against Galschiot´s sculptures
- [Press releases] 2005.12.12: Mad Cow Decease in Victoria Park
- [Press releases] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (PDF Format)
- [Press releases] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (Word Format)
- [Press releases] 2005.12.15: Summary of events
- 2005: The Golden Calf
- 2006: European Social Forum, Athens
- 2006: Indianer viser film om Bolivia
- 2006: PHOTOS of the sculptures at the ESF, Athens
- 2007: G8 Summit, Heiligendamm, Germany
- 2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads
- 2009: Klimadebat i galleriet
- 2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed
- 2009: Seven Meters
- 2009: SevenMeters in Mexico
- 2010-??: Flygtningeskibet
- 2010: 4 Balanceakt-skulpturer opstillet på Slotspladsen
- 2010: COP16
- 2010: Forberedelse af Flygtningeskibet
- 2010: Juletræs-event i København
- 2010: M/S Anton i Haderslev - 9-12 september
- 2010: M/S Anton i Holbæk - 27-30 august
- 2010: M/S Anton i Randers - 20-23 august
- 2010: M/S Anton i Århus - 1-5 september
- 2010: Prinsesse Marie til konference i Galleriet
- 2010: Roskilde Festival
- 2010: Turné i Danmark
- 2011 Newsletters
- 2011: Bæredygtige signaler
- 2011: Klargøring i Odense havn - 3. maj
- 2011: Live-tv fra M/S Anton i Nyhavn
- 2011: M/S Anton i Allinge på Bornholm - 15-18 juni
- 2011: M/S Anton i Dragør - 1-5 juni
- 2011: M/S Anton i Grenå - 4 september
- 2011: M/S Anton i Hvide Sande - 29-30 juli
- 2011: M/S Anton i Kerteminde - 6-8 juli
- 2011: M/S Anton i Lemvig - 22-23 august
- 2011: M/S Anton i Nyhavn - 5-15 maj
- 2011: M/S Anton i Odense - 27-29 maj
- 2011: M/S Anton i Ringkøbing - 25-27 juli
- 2011: M/S Anton i Skive - 18-21 august
- 2011: M/S Anton i Svendborg - 30 juni -3 juli
- 2011: M/S Anton i Thisted - 14-16 august
- 2011: M/S Anton i Ålborg - 2-4 august
- 2011: Turné i Danmark
- 2012 Newsletters
- 2012: 2 miljø-møder og 2 koncerter
- 2012: Galschiot joins Rio Summit and Folkemødet, DK
- 2012: Turné i Danmark og omegn
- 2013: Galschiøt udstiller i Albertslund
- 2013: Psykologiske barrierer for bæredygtig omstilling
- 2013: Tæt pakket program med debut i Hamborg
- 2014 Newsletters
- 2014: Galschiøt igen til Folkemøde
- 2014: M/S Anton på farten igen
- 2015 Newsletters
- 2015: 550 plus 1 - En skulptur om prostitution og menneskehandel
- 2015: Isbjørn spiddet i Paris
- 2015: Perkerkunst
- 2015: Spil Dansk Dagen
- Art Crowdfunding
- Ethical Investments - a collection of links
- Free E-books
- Gallery Galschiot
- Jennifer Barron, USA
- Links about Bolivia
- Press clippings
- Setting the fat lady up again (videos)
- Sustainable Development - a collection of links
- TV and Radio Documentation
- TV documentary
- World Trade - a collection of links
- Writings about Jens Galschiot
- Writings by Jens Galschiot