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About Jens Galschiot
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Sculptures and Projects
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2009 -> Showing all
[Select month]
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[2008 Homeless: The first sculpture]
1. Casting the sculpture
[2008 Homeless: The first sculpture]
2. The sculpture emerging from the electroplating vessel
[2008 Homeless: The first sculpture]
3. Burning out the wax
[2008: Debut of the campaign]
2008.11.11: SAS offers a first class flight to a homeless
[2008: Debut of the campaign]
2008.11.12: Hjemløs på første klasse (
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
Projekt UDENFOR / Project OUTSIDE
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
2008.11.11: SAS offers a first class flight to a homeless (Word format)
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
2009-11: Ending Homelessness
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
Ending Homelessness (Powerpoint)
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
Homepage of FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
Juni 1010: Hjemløse på utstilling - af Heidi K. J. Goodreid i Krigsropet (html format)
[2011: Ending Homelessness]
The situation of the homeless in your country (FEANTSA)
[2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia]
2009.04.14: Så kommer guldkalven tilbage! (Fredericia Avisen)
[2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia]
2009.04.16: Guldkalven hjemme igen (Vejle Amts Folkeblad)
[2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia]
2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia
[2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia]
Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia
[2009: Guldkalven på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia]
Tale af John Bech Hansen, Formand Kultur- og Fritidsudvalget
[Hans Christian Andersen prisen]
De tre bøger 2009 (til Pia Kryger Lakha, Ljudmilla Braude og John Neumeier)
[Hans Christian Andersen prisen]
Hans Christian Andersen prisen
[1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong]
The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong, 1997
[Videos about the Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong]
Hong Kong tur/retur (fuldt format)
[Videos about the Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong]
Hong Kong tur/retur (reduceret format)
[2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability]
2009.12.10: 18 meter høj Balanceskulptur rejst ved Fredericia
[TV and Radio Documentation]
2009.12.10: Debat om klimakunst i Smagsdommerne, DR2
[TV documentary]
2009.12.20: Fynboer til klima-demo i København (fuldt format)
[TV documentary]
2009.12.20: Fynboer til klima-demo i København (reduceret format)
[2009: Afghanistan]
A3-plakat: Film og debat
[2009: Afghanistan]
Debatmøde om Afghanistan den 28. februar 2009
[2009: Afghanistan]
Invitation og pressemeddelelse
[2009: Afghanistan]
[Writings about Jens Galschiot]
2009.01.12: Galschiøt - en kunstner med karakter (Magasinet Kunst)
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Fredag den 23. januar kl. 18-22: Øko-nets generalforsamling og efterfølgende visionsdebat
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Program for årsmødet (Word-format)
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Tilmelding og praktiske oplysninger
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Lørdag den 24. januar kl. 10.00-12.30: 15 års jubilæums-reception, fri entré
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Lørdag den 24. januar kl. 12.30-18.00: Seminar om klimakrisen
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Lørdag den 24. januar kl. 18.30-24.00: Støttefest med gøgl og musik
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Program for årsmødet (Word-format)
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Tilmelding og praktiske oplysninger
[2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bæredygtighed]
Øko-net 22.01.09: KLIMAKRISE NEJ TAK!
2009.01.05: Jens Galschiøt bliver æresmedlem i Odense H.C. Andersen Rotary Klub, OHCARK, i 2009
[2009: Klimadebat i galleriet]
2009.06.10: Klimadebat i galleriet
[2009: Klimadebat i galleriet]
Program (PDF-format)
[2009: Skamstøtte på Slotspladsen]
2009.06.26: Kunstner opstiller skamstøtte ved Christiansborg (Jyllands-Posten)
[2009: Skamstøtte på Slotspladsen]
2009.06.26: Kunstnere markerer modstand mod hjemsendelser (Kristeligt Dagblad)
[2009: Skamstøtte på Slotspladsen]
2009.06.26: nyhedsbrev fra jens galschiøt (24timer)
[2009: Skamstøtte på Slotspladsen]
2009.06.26: Skamstøtte mod hjemsendelser (Ritzau)
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Jens Galschiot´s speech to the LegCo
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Jens Galschiot´s speech to the students
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.04.16: Application for entrance into Hong Kong
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.04.22: Response from the office of the President of the Legislative Council (PDF format)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.04: About the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen and the Pillar of Shame (VOA)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.07: Letter from the Immigration Department without a clear advance allowance (PDF format)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.10: Letter to the Immigration Department urging for an advance allowance
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.11: Galschiot asks in vain Immigration for clarification
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.13: Open letter to all members of the Legco
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.25: Galschiot goes to Hong Kong
[4th June 89]
2009.05.28: Ahead of the 20th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.30: Briefing from the Danish group in Hong Kong
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.31: Video from the Hong Kong airport (ntdtv)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.06.01: Galschiot expelled as revenge for Dalai Lama visit?
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Appeal to the Danish MPs for support - Appel til Folketinget
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Jens Galschiot´s speech to the LegCo
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Jens Galschiot´s speech to the students
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Open letter in which Galschiot requests the European Parliament for support
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.03: Secretary for Security replies to critical question in the LegCo
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.06.04: Students End 64-hour hunger strike - Hong Kong Digital Vision
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.11: Legco rejects Beijing massacre sculpture - RTHK
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.30: Brev til flere Folketingsmedlemmer
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
DECLARATION of the March to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of June 4
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
Den planlagte reje til Hongkong og udvisningen - en kronologisk oversigt
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Description of the two sculptures
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Diary - May 31 2009 - The demonstration
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
EXPELLED once again from Hong Kong
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Jens Galschiot´s two sons join the commemoration activities (NB. slow display!)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Schedule of trip to Hong Kong with contact info
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
STATEMENT by Jens Galshiot about the expulsion
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
The big demonstration on 31 May
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
THE OLD CANNOT KILL THE YOUNG FOREVER - Photos of The Pillar of Shame - Democracy movement
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
The two sculptures at Jens Galschiot´s workshop
[4th June 89]
Give the Chinese students their history back! - a documentation on 4th June 89
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Fragments of a Democracy Story - Hong Kong Digital Vision
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Legco home sought for pillars - The Standard
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.04.14: People walk past the Pillar of Shame at the University of Hong Kong (REUTERS/Bobby Yip)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.26: Shame! Hong Kong Wrongly Slams Doors - Cairns Media
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.26: Tiananmen survivors demand 'truth' from China (AFP)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Défilé à Hong Kong pour le 20e anniversaire de Tiananmen
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Hong Kong protest over Tiananmen - VIDEO from the BBC
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Tausende demonstrieren in Hongkong -
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Tausende demonstrieren in Hongkong vor Tiananmen-Jahrestag
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Thousands Rally in Hong Kong to Mark Tiananmen Anniversary (VOA)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.01: Tausende demonstrieren vor Tiananmen-Jahrestag - AFP
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: 20. Jahrestag der Studentenproteste in China: Tausende demonstrieren in Hongkong
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Danish Tiananmen sculptor barred from HK (Intellasia Australia)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Galschiøt udvist fra Hongkong - igen - Fyens Stiftstidende
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Jens galschiot mentioned in text about ???? - Radio Taiwan International
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Pillar of Shame shunted for MTR - The Standard
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: vrijheid van middelvinger - Clara Legêne, Netherlands
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Aktuálně.czKlávesové zkratky na tomto webu - není mapa stránek - Aktuálně.cz
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Flores sobre el 'Pilar de la verguenza" - Reuters
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Hong Kong ainda resiste à censura, 20 anos após confrontos em Pequim - BBC
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Hong Kong denies blacklist as Tiananmen activist is barred (Roundup)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Hong Kong impide entrada a líder de Tiananmen - BBC
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Kunstner afvist i Hongkong - Politiken
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Legco to discuss artwork gift - RTHK
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Mini Pillar of Shame poses - major dilemma for Legco - The Standard
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.03: Police flood Tiananmen Square ahead of anniversary
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: 4 juni 1989 20 jaar na dato niet herdacht -
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Asistencia récord a vigilia de actos conmemorativos de Tiananmen
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Das Gewissen Chinas - Tagesspiegel
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: En Hong Kong, miles conmemoran el 20 aniversario de la matanza de Tiananmen - La Jornada
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Herdenking Tiananmen 1989 in Hong Kong -
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Hong Kong : 150.000 personnes commémorent Tiananmen - AFP
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Obra escultórica rememora la masacre - La Nueva Cuba
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Organizaciones de derechos humanos denuncian la escalada de acosos - EFE
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Thousands march to mark June 4 - Association France Hong Kong
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: US calls for China to reveal dead of Tiananmen Square - Telegraph
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.05: 150,000 gather in Hong Kong for Tiananmen vigil
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.05: Crowds mass to remember crackdown fallen - The Standard
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.05: Gaffe Attack
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Big photo of The Pillar of Shame - Boxun News
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Galschiot ............. - VOA News
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Hong Kong holds a candle for Tiananmen - Asia Times
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Jens Galschiot and the Pillar of Shame mentioned in text about ????
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Jens Galschiot mentioned in text about ???? - Civic Party
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.06: Remembering Tiananmen, 20 years later (32 photos) - Boston Globe
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.08: Peringatan Tragedi Tiananmen - Tempo - Indonesia
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.09: Jens Galschiot mentioned in text about ???? - Epoch Times
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.09: Jens Galschiot mentioned in text about ????? - New Century News
[2009: Traume-workshop]
2009: Traume-workshop
[2009: Traume-workshop]
[2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability]
09. Fremstilling af skulpturen Grubleren
[2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability]
10. Skulpturen gøres klar på værkstedet
[2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability]
11. Grubleren opstilles på Christiansborg Slotsplads
[2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability]
12. Grubleren indvies på Slotspladsen
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
2009.03.02: 15 meter høj skulptur opstilles på Christiansborg Slotsplads (html-format)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
2009.03.02: 15 meter høj skulptur opstilles på Christiansborg Slotsplads (Word-format)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
2009.03.05: Uddannelse og fællesskab skal sikre bæredygtig udvikling (Undervisningsministeriet)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
Balanceakt på Christiansborg (YouTube)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
Balanceskulptur på Christiansborg Slotsplads (Alt om København)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
DFS: Balanceakten indleder konference om bæredygtig udvikling
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
Invitation fra Undervisningsministeriet
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
Program for Undervisningsministeriets konference (PDF-format)
[2009: Grubleren på Christiansborg Slotsplads]
Qasigiannguit får ”Grubleren” (KNR - Grønlands Radio 3. marts 2009)
[2009: Seven Meters]
2009.02.24: Hvis isen smelter i Grønland (Fyens Stiftstidende)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.25: Galschiot goes to Hong Kong
[4th June 89]
2009.05.28: Ahead of the 20th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.30: Brev til flere Folketingsmedlemmer
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
Den planlagte reje til Hongkong og udvisningen - en kronologisk oversigt
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Schedule of trip to Hong Kong with contact info
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
STATEMENT by Jens Galshiot about the expulsion
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
The Danish group in the Hong Kong Airport
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Billedhugger nægtet adgang til Hong Kong (Ritzau - bragt i adskillige danske aviser)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Danish Tiananmen sculptor barred from Hong Kong - AFP
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: galschiøt nægtet adgang til hong kong (24timer)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Galschiøt smidt ud af Hong Kong 8 (P4 Fyn)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Hundreds in Hong Kong protest to mark Tiananmen (AP)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.05.30: Briefing from the Danish group in Hong Kong
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
2009.06.01: Galschiot expelled as revenge for Dalai Lama visit?
[LATEST NEWS about expulsion from Hong Kong]
2009.06.02: Appeal to the Danish MPs for support - Appel til Folketinget
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Diary - May 31 2009 - The demonstration
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
Jens Galschiot´s two sons join the commemoration activities (NB. slow display!)
[2009: Expelled once again from Hong Kong]
The big demonstration on 31 May
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Défilé à Hong Kong pour le 20e anniversaire de Tiananmen
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Hong Kong protest over Tiananmen - VIDEO from the BBC
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Tausende demonstrieren in Hongkong -
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Tausende demonstrieren in Hongkong vor Tiananmen-Jahrestag
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.05.31: Thousands Rally in Hong Kong to Mark Tiananmen Anniversary (VOA)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.02: Danish Tiananmen sculptor barred from HK (Intellasia Australia)
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Das Gewissen Chinas - Tagesspiegel
[Media coverage Hong Kong 2009]
2009.06.04: Organizaciones de derechos humanos denuncian la escalada de acosos - EFE
[Sustainable Development - a collection of links]
Klima300 - Hold et lokalt klimatopmøde på din skole!
[2009: Seven Meters]
2009.11.25: Fat lady disappeared (assumed drowned) by the little Mermaid (html format)
[2009: Seven Meters]
2009.11.26: Fat lady fished up from Øresund / Fed dame fisket op af Øresund (html format)
[2009: Seven Meters]
2009.11.26: Fat lady fished up from Øresund / Fed dame fisket op af Øresund (Word format)
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 1
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 2
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 3
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 4
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 5
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 6
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 7
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 8
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 9
[Setting the fat lady up again (videos)]
Video number 10
[2009-11: Brainstorm - et kunstprojekt om epilepsi]
2009: Tesla-kuglen - et kunstprojekt om epilepsi
[2009-11: Brainstorm - et kunstprojekt om epilepsi]
Eksperimenter med Tesla-kuglen
[2009-11: Brainstorm - et kunstprojekt om epilepsi]
Kulturnatten i Odense 4. september 2009