- No Spot Specified
- [1993: My Inner Beast] 1993: My Inner Beast - Press clippings (PDF Format, 32 MB)
- [1993: My Inner Beast] Facts about the Happening
- [1993: My Inner Beast] Inscription on the Plinth
- [1993: My Inner Beast] My Inner Beast - A Happening in Europe
- [1993: My Inner Beast] My Inner Beast - List of progress in the 20 cities
- [1993: My Inner Beast] My Inner Beast, 1993
- [1993: My Inner Beast] My Inner Beast, 2002
- [1993: My Inner Beast] Overview of the Happening (PDF Format, 12-14 MB)
- [1993: My Inner Beast] The Art Happening: MY INNER BEAST, the concept
- [Press clippings] 1995: The UN Happening - The Silent Death (PDF Format, 27 MB)
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Introduction to the happening, 5th March 1995
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] List of Sponsors of the UN happening
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Photos of the art happening The Silent Death, UN's social summit in Copenhagen
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Reactions on the Happening, 8th March 1995
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Review of the Happening, 10th March 1995
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Text from the Monopoly Certificates
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen 1995
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] The Silent Death - UN Happening - 13.000.000 human lives
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] Økonomisk overslag over FN-happeningen
- [1998: Civilization] Civilization - A sculpture to OMEPs 50th anniversary, Copenhagen, 1998
- [1998: Civilization] Civilization sculpture to OMEP
- [1998: Civilization] OMEP Danmark
- [1998: Civilization] Photos of Civilization
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Amnesty Internationals danske websted
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Hands of Stone - Detailed Description of the Project
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Hands of Stone - Short Description of the Project
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Inspiration to the search for information about children's rights
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Instructions to the Casting of the Hands
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Miscellanneous good photos of Hands of Stone
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Opening speach for Hands of Stone by Monica Ritterband
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos from the opening of Hands of Stone
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos of Teachers learning the Process - November 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos of the creation of the plates - August 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos of the exhibition at the City Hall-August 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos of the Gluing of the Hands - November 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos of the hands being set up on the Town Hall Sq.
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Photos Showing the Process in Hands of Stone - August 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Test of the visual effect - November 2000
- [2000: Hands of Stone] To Students on Hands of Stone
- [2000: The Messenger and Jubilee 2000] Die Botin - kurze deutsche Beschreibung
- [2000: The Messenger and Jubilee 2000] Statements on Jubilee 2000
- [2000: The Messenger and Jubilee 2000] The Messenger and Jubilee 2000
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] 2001.04.08: Danish Plague upon Pharmaceutical Industry
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] 2001.04.17: Den 10ende plage over hovedstaden
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] The Tenth Plague - a short description
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] The Tenth Plague - An Art Performance about Greed and Death and Medicine
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] The Tenth Plague - An Art Performance about Greed, Life and Death
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Description of the Project
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] EU-Summit in Copenhagen, 13-15 December 2002
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Freedom to Pollute
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Freedom to pollute - short description
- [2002: MIB - Intelligence Service] MIB - Intelligence Service
- [2010: Afro-Danes - et monument på Isted-soklen] 2010.02.25: Slaget om Istedløvens sokkel (PDF-format)
- [2010: Afro-Danes - et monument på Isted-soklen] 2010.02.25: Slaget om Istedløvens sokkel (Word-format)
- [2010: Afro-Danes - et monument på Isted-soklen] Afro-Danes - et monument om de danske slavetransporter (fx anbragt på Isted-soklen)
- [2010: Afro-Danes - et monument på Isted-soklen] Kulturministeriet: Hvad skal erstatte Istedløven?
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Brev (1) fra Nørrebro´s bydelsudvalg ang renovation af svinehunden
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Brev (2) fra Nørrebro´s bydelsudvalg om Renovation af Svinehunden
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Brev fra Borgmesteren i København
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Brev fra magistratens 4. afdeling københavn
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Brev til Nørrebro´s bydelsudvalg ang. Svinehunden
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Hovedløst svin på Den røde Plads
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Hærværk mod Min Indre Svinehund i København
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] My inner Beast in Copenhagen
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Pressemeddelelse fra Beboerforeningen Blågården
- [MIB-IS in Copenhagen] Til Borgmesteren og myndighederne i København
- Amagertorv
- Axeltorv
- Bella Center
- Café Rust
- Chesters Bogcafe
- Christiansborg (Parliament)
- Gammel Torv
- Husets Teater
- Højbro Plads
- Kongens Nytorv
- Kultorvet
- Metro stations
- Nyhavn
- Nytorv
- Parliament
- Søren Kierkegaards Plads
- Tapperihallerne ved Tuborg Havn
- Tivoli
- Town hall square
- Vartov
- Øksnehallen