Global Week of Action

a campaign for fair trade

A group of ´Hunger Boys´ in copper and ´Survival of the Fattest´, a enormous fat western woman on the back of a starved African man invaded the Townhall sq. of Copenhagen in companion with Jens Galschiot´s latest sculpture ´Mad Cow Disease'. This peculiar piece of art consists of a pair of scales, 8 metres high. On one arm hangs a dead cow by its legs, on the other a number of Africans (in copper). The sculpture will point up the grotesque fact that each cow in the EU receives a subvention of 800 US dollars to block the poor countries from selling their products on the European market.

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2005-14: Balancing Act to the Various version of this document   2005: Global Week of Action The Golden Calf to the English version of this document  
Additional Information:
Categories: 2005: Global Week of Action | Happenings and Art Installations | 2005: International projects
Themes: Agricultural subsidies | Ecology - sustainable development | Globalisation | Imbalanced wealth distribution | NGO activities | World trade
Sculptures: Hunger Boys | Mad Cow Disease | Survival of the Fattest | Totem Mask No. 1
Type: Overview
Dates: 13th April 2005 | 15th April 2005
Locations: Town hall square, Copenhagen, Denmark
Co-operators and Helpers: ATTAC Copenhagen | Det Økologiske Råd | Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (Dan-Church-Aid) | Global Week of Action | IBIS | Netværket for Retfærdig Verdenshandel