Happening during the UN social summit in Copenhagen, 1995

The Silent Death

13,000,000 human lives

The aim was to highlight the absurdity of the global imbalance. It was carried out during the UN social summit in Copenhagen, 1995. 750 figures of children (a total of 15 tons) were spread all over the City. In addition 13,000,000 certificates, one for each child doomed to die in 1995, were distributed.

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1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen
Additional Information:
Categories: 1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen | Happenings and Art Installations
Themes: Children´s rights | Criticism of governments | Hunger and malnutrition | NGO activities | Summits
Sculptures: UN Happening
Type: Overview
Dates: March 1995
Locations: Copenhagen, Denmark
Co-operators and Helpers: Kulturministeriet | Københavns Kommune
Partners: Krakagården | Kulturfabrikken | Social Forum
Related Persons and Entities: UN Social Summit
Sponsors: 1. Majfonden | BUPL | Dansk Socialrådgiverforening | DSB | Ergoterapeut foreningen | Fredsfonden | Funch Fonden | Fællesklubben KUC | Galleri Asbæk | IBM | K-Salat | KAD og SID's Medie og Kulturfond | Lille Skolernes Landsforbund | Lysgaard Fonden | Odense Litograferne ApS | Pædagogisk Medhjælper Forbund | Scenetjenesten og Erhvervstræningsskolen i Odense | Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund / National Federation of Social Educators | Svanholm Gods | Sømændenes Forbund | Søren Gericke | Team-Teateret | Ulla og Sofus Christophersen