European Social Forum

Paris 2003

The tenth anniversary of My Inner Beast was celebrated with two Beasts participating in the big manifestation accompanied by Survival of the Fattest and 14 Hunger Boys.

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2003: European Social Forum, Paris European Social Forum, London 2004 to the English version of this document  
Additional Information:
Categories: 2003: European Social Forum, Paris | Social Forums
Themes: Globalisation | NGO activities | Racism
Sculptures: Hunger Boys | My inner Beast - concrete | Survival of the Fattest
Type: Overview
Dates: 12th November 2003
Locations: Paris, France
Co-operators and Helpers: ATTAC | Lene Junker | Martin Craggs | Maurice Wagner | Mayor of Paris (2002) Mr. Bertrand Delanoe
Partners: Krakagården | Social Forum Paris