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The World Bank/IMF Summit in Prague, 2000

Requiem for the World Bank's Victims

A funeral procession was performed by Danish Jubilee 2000 supporters in cooperation with Jens Galschiot. They were dressed in corpse costumes and carrying crosses. Twenty dark copper masks on 4 metres high poles shrouded in black, and a Pillar of Shame made of distorted faces, these were some of the ingredients of the event.

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The World Bank/IMF Summit in Prague, 2000 -> browsing | show all documents

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2000: The World Bank/IMF Summit, Prague
Additional Information:
Categories: 2000: The World Bank/IMF Summit, Prague | Happenings and Art Installations
Themes: Debt cancellation | Imbalanced wealth distribution | NGO activities | Summits
Sculptures: The Messenger Jubilee 2000
Type: Overview
Dates: September 2000
Locations: Prague, Czech Republic
Co-operators and Helpers: Niller Madsen
Partners: Jubilee 2000 | Krakagården
Related Persons and Entities: Bono (U2) | IMF (International Monetary Foundation) | World Bank