Tekstboks: #

Portrait of a sculptor



A decoration for

the courthouse of Odense, 2001

Justitia, the goddess of justice, grows out of the wall with sword and scales and watches over the trial. As she is clad in fishing net a connection is made to Kraka, a beautiful and wise woman of Norse mythology.

The scales in balance symbolises a just sentence. The sword is a symbol of the execution. The blindfold may seem odd, but since the 16th century it is seen as a symbol of impartiality.

It is the aim of the sculpture to honestly express the function of the building where it is located. No secret should be made of the court’s authority. We have to do with a powerful institution before which the defender does not appear on the footing of equality.

This implies by no means that I support a inhuman ‘law and order’ judicial system, the sculptor emphasizes.


Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s

fairy-tale The Ugly Duckling, 2003

This bronze sculpture was donated by the staff of Micro Matic on the occasion of the company’s 50th anniversary.

The sculpture tries to withhold the very split second where the ugly duckling looks in the water-mirror and finds out that it has become a beautiful white swan.

The symbolism of the fairy-tale, and the sculpture, tells that to find your self-esteem, you have to look yourself in the eyes. This truth is apparently banal, but probably one of the most difficult things to do. Many people live a whole life and die without discovering their self-esteem.