Our activities at the WSF2007


We will be carrying out various activities. For the moment (5 January 2007) we’re envisaging the following:


1. Workshop

Art - a powerful communication

Stories about how art is used as a media for dialogue and social change


We have booked a room with seats for a 400 audience.

We, AIDOH (Art In Defence Of Humanism) are organising the workshop in co-operation with Danish Council on Social Welfare, also from Denmark.

At the conference artists from Denmark, Uganda, Kenya and other countries will tell about how they use art – theatre, painting or sculpture – to highlight local and global issues. Come and hear the cases of how art is staked in the fight against corruption and racism, for the right to contraception, to further social change and dialogue.

The purpose of the conference is to provide inspiration and reflection on how best to strengthen this kind of work.

The conference will not just provide lectures and one-way communication, but we will arrange the meeting to ensure that everybody has the opportunity to interact beyond boundaries between countries and cultures, to get at grips with the potential of art. 



2. Exhibition of the sculpture

    at the conference venue


We will put up the sculpture In the Name of God (a crucified teenager cast in copper) on a central site of the WSF. In the neighbourhood we will set up a small stand, e.g. a tent where we’ll display flyers and posters explaining the project and discuss it with the WSF participants.



3. Forum theatre and secret theatre


Forum theatre: In co-operation with the IATM International (Anti-Corruption Theatrical Movement) from Uganda we will carry out forum theatre performances around the sculpture. The theatre troupe will spur the public to join the dialogue about interference of religion in the policy of sexual rights, contraception and AIDS. The performances will take place on 20, 21, 24, and 25 January between 2 and 3 pm around the sculpture In the Name of God.


Secret theatre: Our group will try to make a sort of ‘molecular’ discussion forums at the WSF. All of a sudden we will turn up with a version of the sculpture In the Name of God to fan a discussion among the passers-by, as a sort of secret street theatre.



4. Balancing Act sculptures


Danish ecologist association Eco-net will display two Balancing Act sculptures at the WSF to achieve worldwide promotion of this sculptural manifestation on sustainability.