We hade promised to write a journal every day,
that was not to be the case, so that is why we now make a summary on of how the
rest of the time in Hong Kong went from 12th until we left towards
Denmark on Wednesday 21st Dec.
Tuesday 13th Dec.
The two sculptures are now surrounded by a
fence of the size of a football field. All over there are signs hung up saying
that the sculptures are not safety approved by a Chinese constructor and
therefore it is forbidden and highly dangerous to move around inside the
At 12 o’clock a constructor comes and he
authorizes as expected. However, he considers that a fence is to be put up
around Survival of the Fattest, because some people may climb up and if
10-12 men attempt pushing and lifting it, then it might tip over. We accept his
suggestion, they are obviously very careful here in Hong Kong.
We participate together with 6 – 8,000 people
in the big demonstration at 2 pm with our Hunger Boys mounted on the trolleys.
Our colleges from the Danish MS have arrived, disguised as subsidized EU cows.
The cows as well as the Hunger Boys create great attention and many photos are
taken. The demonstration reached its destination near the official congress
centre of the WTO, a big venue at the water. The congress centre was clearly
visible. Korean farmers put on life jackets and jumped into the water. They
started swimming towards the centre, a peaceful manifestation that created big
attention and cheering. But also a manifestation showing how small we are in
comparison to the big centre and the great number of police boats and
photographers, but that does not stop us from receiving the swimmers as heroes
when they return to the demonstration.
After a few more hours of speeches we leave
with most of the other demonstrators. The Hunger Boys lead the way towards
Victoria park. Some Koreans remain to push a bit with the police. But it never
turns out to be a violent confrontation, even though the newspapers are filled
with photos of demonstrators getting pepper spray in their eyes, as they are
pushing against the police chains. A close look at the photos reveals that
there are just as many people from the press as there are demonstrators. So
actually a peaceful manifestation.
We get up somewhat late and go to Victoria
Park. They have now moved the fence around the sculptures, but it is still the
size of a half football field and not just 2 metres around the sculptures but
at least 10 metres! We give up and accept it as it is. New signs have been hung
up saying that one is not allowed to climb up the sculptures. A grotesque
expression of the Hong Kong security mania.
Most of the time we are just standing at the
sculptures making lots of interviews with hundreds of journalists and answering
questions from passers-by. Undoubtedly we have to do with the most photographed
sculptures in HK. The press makes extensive use of the sculptures as
illustration of the WTO issues. CNN brings three interviews with Galschiot throughout
the WTO conference.
In the evening we upload the photos of the day
and make some more interviews with journalists.
Some of the demonstrators in Victoria Park are
in doubt about the symbolism of the sculptures and ask for an explanation. We
hand out a sheet in Chinese. Fortunately the Koreans find an interpreter to
translate what Galschiot is saying to them. As they now understand the
symbolism they hang up their big Picasso photostat and their banner near the
sculptures. The banner was formed as a big flower carpet on which was written
with big flower letters `Dawn Dawn WTO`. So the area around the sculptures
became a sort art centre.
We have made a workshop with MS about art as a
means of communication. It evolves a bit funny because we chose to put up the
chairs outside the tent, and so we held an open meeting. MS told about their
cow happening in Denmark and Galschiot made a presentation of his many
projects. The audience asked a few questions.
Does the artist think that art can change
world? – Galschiot answered that art should not claim to change the world, but
may change people’s conception. So not the art, but the beholder can make some
change. The role of the artist is just to fan the debate.
An American lawyer asked Jens whether the WTO
could be a means to brake down the trade barriers. A poet from South African
poet, answered the question and soon an animate discussion was going among the
bystanders. Galschiot took the megaphone and became the microphone holder of
the debate in which a lot of serous and interesting views were uttered about
the WTO, trade barriers and protectionism. The debate continued many hours and
became in that way a formidable example of how art can release a fruitful
discussion. Many people remained until late in the evening, as the debate had
split into a Chinese and an English debate group. Galschiot was impressed of
the need to debate and is now considering developing a concept in which a
debate is released with a sculpture construction, some speakers and a microphone
as take-off. Augusto Boal has launched a similar concept.
Sunday 18th Dec.
Last day in Victoria Park. MS had planed an
exiting action where they disguised as cows would come out of the official
centre where the WTO meeting was held. They changed their clothes on the
toilets and the human cows made their way through all the suites and attracted
a lot of attention. They came out to the waiting limo that we had hired for the
occasion and rode through Hong Kong to Victoria Park where the final
demonstration was just gathering. The limo created a sensation as it stopped in
the middle of the crowd. 5 cows got out to the waiting Hunger Boys. The cows
praised the WTO and EU for letting them keep the subsidies, and to underline
the happy message there was champagne for all.
The demonstration was gathering and the Hunger
March was taking the lead. We were about 10,000 participants. Most speakers
emphasized the claim to release the about 1,000 Koreans that had been arrested
at some smaller demonstrations on Friday. To focus on the abuse of migrant
workers as cheap labour force, Philippino and Indonesian girl demonstrators had
dressed up in cardboard boxes stamped ‘For Export’. Once more the colourful
variety of the demonstrations made the impression that all cultures of the
world had sent a delegation to show their face. The peaceful demonstration
returned to Victoria Park for the final celebration. We did not participate as
we had enough to do with packing all the sculptures and load them in to the
container together with the Chinese crane workers. As everything was well
packed the container was brought to the harbour to be sent home to Denmark.
We visited the Pillar of Shame on the campus of
the university. It was standing properly on the place in front of the students’
building. A section was defected. Unfortunately we did not know, as we left
Denmark. Otherwise we coul have brought some repairing outfits. Nevertheless we
enjoyed seeing the sculpture again after so many years. The students and the
democracy movement have put up plates, indicating all the sites where it had
been used for memorial ceremonies of the Tiananmen massacre on 4th
June. The anniversary of the carnage is marked in Hong Kong every year.
Margaret, a friend of ours since 1997 had
invited us to a dinner in a technical college for chefs and waiters. The
students were keen to get exercise so they treated us with almost exaggerated
correctness. They even took care that we did not get lost in the lift. It goes
without saying the meal was of superb quality. We can certainly recommend these
conscientious students to any future employer.
At the dinner we met a catholic priest from the
democracy movement in China. As an archivist he has been engaged in collecting
all relevant documentation on the Tiananmen massacre. Galschiot accepted to
take the whole documentation with him home and scan it in order to make
available on the Internet to anybody interested in the issue. Maybe even in the
Mainland where the massacre is not generally known some could find the documentation
in spite of the censorship. For Chinese students in Denmark and Europe the
website could be a valuable source for the study of China’s recent history. So
from our humble workshop in Odense we can possibly help the democracy movement
to remember the dissidents from the Tiananmen massacre, and who knows maybe
plant some new democratic seeds in the flowering Chinese youth.
After a day of shopping and relax we had a
farewell dinner with some Chinese friends. We left early Wednesday morning for
our return to Denmark.
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Level Up |
2005.12.12: Sculptures finally put up ![]() |
2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong 2005: Diary from Hong Kong |