Freedom to Pollute

A 28 feet copy of the Statue of Liberty in Denmark mocks American politics on sustainable development, - she is smoking again at the NGO-Forum during the EU-Summit in Copenhagen from December 13th to 15th.

Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot has launched the smoking statue to pillory the selfish feeling of 'Freedom To Pollute' that the rich countries, with the USA in the lead, manifested at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. She was unveiled in Copenhagen on August 26th, 2002, the opening day, and was spilling out smoke from her torch throughout the Summit.

She has since become the icon of a continued campaign for sustainable development and has toured around Denmark and Germany pointing at the lack of responsibility for global sustainable development shown by the USA in particular and the rest of the rich world in general.

Posters and postcards of the icon have spread all over the world, mailed by the Danish 92 Group, a coalition of 19 NGO's. The website, has been visited by thousands of people and the press has shown great interest in the smoking icon and the message it carries.

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Level Up

2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg
Additional Information:
Themes: Criticism of governments | Ecology - sustainable development
Sculptures: Freedom to Pollute | The Egg (model for Care)
Type: Press releases
Dates: 2002
Locations: Aalborg, Denmark | Aarhus, Denmark | Copenhagen, Denmark | Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen, Denmark | Odense, Denmark | Germany | Luxemburg | Johannesburg, South Africa
Co-operators and Helpers: Aarhus festuge | Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Danish Association for International Co-operation)
Partners: 92 gruppen, Den samlede miljøbevægelse i DK | Greenpeace | Øko-net
Related Persons and Entities: Søren Pind, Københavns Kommune | US Ambassador in Denmark 2002