Overview of 2005

Many thanks for the interest people all over the world have shown for our projects throughout the year. We have been able to carry them out only due to the benevolent contribution of hundreds of co-operators. We see forward to a fruitful co-operation with lots of activists also in 2006.

The year has been very hectic. So we say every year, but in fact 2005 has brought a bigger number of huge strenuous projects than ever before. That is why we have responded to many people with a long delay, some even have not got an answer yet. We apologize for the inconvenience and promise that we will do our best to answer everybody as soon as possible.

Below you find an overview of the year´s activities.

As a remarkable advance we have integrated in our website a database including all Jens Galschiot´s sculptures with thousands of photos, KLICK HERE

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Additional Information:
Categories: 2005: Events of the year | About Jens Galschiot
Type: Overview
Dates: 2005