The Pillar of Shame
Miscellaneous quality photos
(pics are 1 Mb each)
Brazil, Index:
Mexico, index:
Mexico, 16th of May '99 (33 pics) -Of the putting up of Pillar of Shame in Acteal, with pictures of the native people
(English & Danish descriptions)
Mexico, 3rd of May '99 (9 pics) -Of the Pillar of Shame at the Zacalo, and the removal of it (English & Danish
Mexico, 2nd of May '99 (20 pics) -Of the Pillar of Shame at the Zacalo, with a lot of photos of the Zapatistas demonstrating
(in front of Bellas Artes) (English descriptions)
Mexico, 1st of May '99 (30 pics) -Of the Pillar of Shame's arrival at the Zacalo, including many pictures of the Zapatistas
and CLETA. (Danish & English descriptions)
Mexico, 18th of April '99 (16 pics) -Of the Pillar of Shame's arrival at the Chapultapec Park, where it was places in front
of Plaza de Lago. (English descriptions)
Hong Kong:
Hong Kong (the Making) (18 pics) -Of the preparation and making of the Hong Kong Pillar of Shame (English description)
in Hong Kong (37 pics) -Miscellaneous photos from Hong Kong -including photos of the Pillar of Shame, the candlelight vigil,
and Galschiot (no descriptions)
Rome (6 pics) -of the Pillar of Shame in front of the NGO forum of the FAO summit, November '96. (no descriptions)
by Kim Rune (14 pics) - black/white photos of the making of the first Pillar of Shame, taken by the Danish photographer Kim
Rune. (English descriptions)
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To a detailed
description of the Pillar of Shame | To Jens
Galschiots index page
news releases related to the Pillar of Shame